D-seal / D-mærket
Pioneering IT security and responsible data management

What does D-seal mean for you as a customer at KJAER DATA?
D-seal is Denmark’s labeling scheme for IT security and responsible data usage. Today, it can be difficult to know whether a company has good IT security and handles their data in a responsible and ethical manner or not.
This is what the D-seal aims to adress and what KJAER DATA is a trusted partner in handling.
D-seal is relevant for all types of companies and KJAER DATA guides companies to easily understand what they need to comply with regarding data security, data protection, and data ethics.
What does it take to achieve the D-seal?
To achieve the D-seal, a company must meet various criteria that demonstrate a commitment to IT security and responsible data usage.
These criteria include:
- Management and leadership commitment
- Awareness and secure behavior
- Technical IT security
- Requirements for suppliers’ IT security and responsible data usage
- Transparency & control of data
- Data ethics

Contact KJAER DATA for offers on screening, advisory and implementation of your IT needs
- IT Security GAP analysis
- IT contingency plan & IT Policies
- Inventory management (software and hardware)
- Security & network configuration
- Monitoring & documentation
- Data Protection
- Infrastructure security
- Awereness training